Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Truth

Here's how it works:
  1. Businesses identify a valuable piece of property owned by the public.
  2. The businesses convince local politicians and officials that the place is 'under utilized'.
  3. Businesses let local officials know value of property. This will usually be lower than reality as the businesses cite things like 'tough economic times' and 'weak markets' and so forth. This sets the bar low for what the property will bring.
  4. The businesses advise local officials how to get the wheels going so they can sell the property with as little interference as possible.
  5. Local officials agree to sell land, often times to the businesses that advised them to sell it, and for what price. Let's price this piece of land at $1 million.
  6. Because of 'weak markets' the city agrees to help finance, through TIF money, whatever business is going into the place they have agreed to sell.
  7. $1 million of taxpayer money is used to build something. If it fails, the city (and taxpayers) are out $1 million.
  8. City gets excited that they have sold big block of land for $1 million - enough for 4-5 public toilets. Yipee!
  9. A school and playground are bulldozed over.
  10. A Dollar General and a McDonald's open at the corner of Nichols and Monona Drive. They provide 10 full time jobs and a couple of dozen minimum wage, part time gigs.
  11. Profits go the corporations that own the stores. 
  12. Thank God we sold our valuable city asset. Our city is saved. Yippee.


  1. you're insane.

    i love it.

    fight the power.

  2. Yes. This is how it works. The only thing you forgot is when we elect alder and board members who we think fight for us and then we find that their having lunch with the every 2 weeks.
